Terroir and Vineyard Management


  • Code: TABO-911-Θ11
  • Semester:
  • Study Level: Undergraduate
  • Course type:
  • Teaching and exams language: Greek (English for Erasmus students)
  • The course is offered to Erasmus students
  • Teaching Methods (Hours/Week): Lectures (3)
  • ECTS Units: 4
  • Class Schedule:

Course Contents

  • Terroir
    1. The concept of terroir in viticulture: a multidisciplinary concept.
    2. The role of climate.
    3. The role of water and nitrogen nutrition for the vine.
    4. Strengthening the territorial value of the vegetation and management system.
    5. An example of the soil in a PDO zone.
  • Agroecology
    1. Principles and components of agroecology practice.
    2. Agriculture for the conservation of soils, principles and applications in the vineyard.
    3. Case study: establishment and composition of its components – the role of leaf surface in soil conservation viticulture.
  • Self-diagnosis and vineyard inspection
    1. Principles of self-diagnosis.

Educational Goals

After acquiring basic knowledge of the vineyard and its environment (agronomic and physiological approaches) as well as viticulture and wine production including plant protection, students are able to participate in the creation and management of the vineyard.

General Skills

  • Search, analysis and synthesis of data and information, using the necessary technologies.
  • Adaptation to new situations.
  • Decision making.
  • Autonomous work.
  • Team work.
  • Project planning and management.

Teaching Methods

  • In the classroom, face to face.

Use of ICT means

  • Basic software (windows, word, power point, the web, etc.).
  • Support of learning process through the electronic platform / e-class.

Teaching Organization

ActivitySemester workload
Independent Study21

Students Evaluation

Final exams (50%):

  • Short Answer Questions.
  • Multiple Choice Test.

Essay (50%).

Recommended Bibliography

  1. Ευάγγελος Σουφλερός. «Οινολογία. Επιστήμη και Τεχνογνωσία». Copyright © 1997.ISBN: 960 9699 1 6, Set: 96069924.
  2. ΑργύρηςΤσακίρης. «Οινολογία. Από το σταφύλι στο κρασί». Εκδόσεις Ψύχαλος. Αθήνα 1998. ISBN: 960 7920 058.
  3. Andrew L. Waterhouse , Gavin Sacks , David Jeffery “Χημεία και Βιοχημεία Οίνου: Από τηνΘεωρία στηνΟινοποίηση” ΕκδόσειςRosili 2019.
  4. Pascal Ribèreau – Gayon, Yves Glories, AlainMaujean, DenisDubourdieu.“Traitè d’ OEnologie -(Vol.2)”. Dunod, Paris 1998. ISBN: 2100039481.
  5. Ron S. Jackson. “Wine science. Principles and applications”. Academic Press, Inc. California, 1994. ISBN: 0123790603.
  6. Emile Peynaud. “ Connaissance et travail du vin”. Dunod, Paris 1981. ISBN: 2040114173.
  7. Pascal Ribèreau – Gayon, Yves Glories, Alain Maujean, Denis Dubourdieu.“Traitè d’ OEnologie -(Vol.1)”. Dunod, Paris 1998. ISBN: 2100039481.
  8. Les Entretiens Scientifiques Lallemand. “ La microbiologie des vins mousseux V 3”. Lallemand © Toulouse 1994.
  9. Les Entretiens Scientifiques Lallemand. “Fermentation Technology V 2”. Lallemand © Toulouse 1994.
  10. Hans R. Luthi et Ulrich Vetsch.“Analyses et Apprèciation Microscopiques de vins et jus de fruits dans la pratique”, Collection Avenir OEnologie.
  11. Roger B. Boulton et al. “ Principles and practices of winemaking”, Aspen Publishers Inc., New York, c1996, ISBN: 0834212706.
  12. Bruce W. Zoecklein et al. “Wine analysis and Production ”, Chapman & Hall, New York, c1995,ASIN: 0412982412.
  13. Kenneth C. Fugelsang.“Wine Microbiology” , Aspen Publishers Inc., New York, c1997, ISBN: 0412066114.
  14. Cornelius S. Ough. “Winemaking basics”, Haworth Press, New York, 1991, ISBN: 1560220058.
  15. Richard P. Vine et al. “Winemaking: From grape growing to marketplace”, Chapman & Hall, New York, c 1997, ISBN: 83421699x.
  16. David R. Storm. “Winery utilities: planning, design and operation”, Aspen Publishers Inc., New York, c1997, ISBN:0834219816.
  17. OIV Compendium of International Methods of Analysis of Wines and Musts.

Related Research Journals

  1. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture.
  2. Journal International de la Vigne et du Vin.
  3. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.
  4. Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
  5. South African Journal of Oenologie.