Organic Chemistry


Course Contents


  • Structure of organic molecules: Coulombforces,ionicandcovalentbonds. Atomic and molecular orbitals. Hybrid orbitals.Structures and formulas of organic molecules. Homologous series of organic compounds.
  • Alkanes: nomenclature, properties, conformations. Stereoisomers: optical activity, enantiomers, diastereomers.Nucleofilic and electrophilic reagents.
  • Alkylhalogenides: nucleophilic substitution reactions, elimination reactions, nomenclature.
  • Alkenes: addition reactions, nomenclature, stereoisomers (cis, trans, E, Z), preparations, chemical properties.
  • Alkynes: nomenclature, preparations, chemical properties.
  • Alcohols and phenols: nomenclature, preparations, chemical properties.
  • Aldehydes and ketones: nomenclature, preparations, chemical properties.
  • Carboxylic acids and derivatives of carboxylic acids: nomenclature, preparations, chemical properties. Aromatic compounds.


  • Basic laboratory techniques (melting point determination, recrystallization, boiling point and refractive index determination, simple distillation, fractional distillation, liquid-liquid extraction, thin layer chromatography, column chromatography).
  • Solubility of organic compounds.
  • Simple syntheses of organic compounds (e.g. acetylsalicylic acid) and calculation of reaction΄s yield.
  • Detection and identification of functional groups in organic compounds (alkenes, alkynes, fatty alcohols, carboxylic acids, phenols, aldehydes – ketones, aromatic compounds).

Educational Goals

  • The understanding and familiarity with the basic concepts of organic chemistry.
  • The acquisition of knowledge to explain many organic chemical phenomena encountered in everyday life and technology.
  • Each student will learn basic organic laboratory techniques and gain some experience in the synthesis and characterization of organic compounds.
  • Special emphasis is placed on getting familiar with the organic compounds found in wines as well as understanding the reactions found in them (esterifications, oxidations).

General Skills

  • Search for, analysis and synthesis of data and information, with the use of the necessary technology.
  • Working independently.
  • Team work.
  • Criticism and self-criticism.
  • Production of free, creative and inductive thinking.

Teaching Methods

  • Face-to-face.

Use of ICT means

  • Power point presentations, demonstration video of laboratory exercises.
  • Student contact electronically.

Teaching Organization

ActivitySemester workload
Autonomous study60

Students Evaluation

  • Written exam with comprehension and key concept questions, multiple choice, matching, true-false and short development questions.
  • Written assignment.
  • Laboratory exercises.

50% of the final assessment is the grade of the written exam and the remaining 50% the grade of the written work and laboratory exercises.

The evaluation criteria are announced at the beginning of the course and posted on the electronic notice board.

Recommended Bibliography

  1. Α. Βάρβογλης, Αρχές Οργανικής Χημείας, Εκδόσεις ΖΗΤΗ, 1996.
  2. Σπηλιώπουλος Ιωακείμ, Εργαστηριακές Τεχνικές και Πειράματα Οργανικής Χημείας, 1η έκδοση, ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ ΣΤΑΜΟΥΛΗ ΑΕ, 2010.
  3. David Klein, Οργανική Χημεία για τις Επιστήμες της Ζωής, Εκδόσεις UTOPIA, 2015.
  4. John McMurry, Οργανική Χημεία, Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης, 2017.
  5. Vollhardt Peter, Schore Neil, Οργανική Χημεία, Τόμος Α, Εκδόσεις Κυριακίδη, 2017.
  6. Wade JR., Δημήτριος Κομιώτης (επιμέλεια), Οργανική Χημεία, Εκδόσεις Α. ΤΖΙΟΛΑ, 2018.
  7. Loudon Marc, Parise Jim, Οργανική Χημεία, Εκδόσεις BROKEN HILL PUBLISHERS LTD, 2019.