Plant Pathology


Course Contents

  • Definition and Object of Phytopathology: Concept and economic importance of plant diseases. Causes of plant diseases. Losses from disease.
  • Symptomatology: Symptoms, syndromes, signs, latent infections.
  • Causes of plant diseases: fungi, general characteristics of fungi, biological relationships of fungi-plants, morphology and anatomy of fungi, forms of differentiated thallus, nutrition of fungi, growth of fungi, reproduction of fungi, classification of fungi, special mycology.
  • Prokaryotic phytopathogens: bacteria, mycoplasmas, rickettsiae, phanerogamous parasites.
  • Plant virology: modes of transmission of plant viruses, mechanical transmission in the field, transmission by insects, nematodes, fungi, crude propagating material.
  • Causes of non-communicable diseases.
  • Pathogenesis: infection, incubation, growth and reproduction of the pathogen, physiology of pathogenesis, action of the pathogen, host defense.
  • Epidemiology: Development of epidemic, contribution of pathogen to development of epidemic, contribution of host to development of epidemic, contribution of environment to development of epidemic, human influence on development of epidemic, measurement of epidemic.
  • Disease control: disease management with resistant varieties, genetic nature of resistance, expression of resistance, reasons for the use of resistant varieties, disease prevention, measures to destroy the pathogen, protection of plants from pathogens, treatment of diseases, control of viral diseases.

Educational Goals

The aim of the course is to introduce students to the concept and importance of Phytopathology _Definition of Phytopathology. More specifically, to introduce students to the concept of Plant Pathology including: causes, mechanisms by which diseases occur, interactions between plants and disease-causing agents, and controlling diseases with biotechnology aspects.
Impact of plant diseases on agriculture. Basic concepts of General Phytopathology are analyzed to the extent necessary for students to be able to understand concepts and definitions of specialized traditions
Definition of the Concept of Plant Disease, Differentiation of plant pathogens according to thefactors that cause them. Parasitism and disease development, Parasitism and degree of pathogenicity, Communicable and Non-communicable diseases. Aetiologyof plant diseases. Biological relationships. Stages in the development of an infectious disease. In particular, students are trained in subjects such as Expression of the disease. Symptoms and Signs. Main phytopathogenic causes (fungi, bacteria, viruses, non-parasitic causes, unfavorable conditions of temperature, humidity and nutrition, toxic factors of the environment, transport, storage, disposal and epidemiology of diseases. Basic principles of diagnosis and treatment of plant diseases. Main diseases of horticulture, ornamental and fruit-bearing trees and vines. Based on the above, students will be able to recognize – correctly diagnose – infestations in horticultural, ornamental and arboreal crops and be able to propose the correct strategy for dealing with them.

Upon successful completion of the course, students will have:

  • understand the concept and importance of Phytopathology in general,
  • understand the importance of disease in phytopathology and will be able to recognize diseases, their diagnosis and treatment.

General Skills

  • Decision-making.
  • Autonomous work.
  • Teamwork.
  • Production of free, creative and inductive thinking.
  • Work in an interdisciplinary environment.

Teaching Methods

  • In the classroom, face to face.

Use of ICT means

  • Basic software (windows, word, power point, the web, etc.).
  • Support of learning process through the electronic platform / e-class.

Teaching Organization

ActivitySemester workload
Laboratory practice26
Independent Study50

Students Evaluation

Assessment Method:

  • Short Answer Questions.
  • Laboratory Work.
  • Development Questions.

Recommended Bibliography

  1. Φυτοπαθολογία, Τζάμος Ελευθέριος Κ. Εκδόσεις UNIBOOKS ΙΚΕ. Έκδοση: 2η έκδοση 2017.
  2. Φυτοπαθολογία, George N. Agrios, Εκδόσεις UTOPIA ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ Μ. ΕΠΕ, 1η Ελληνική-5η Αμερικανική/2015.