Waste Processing and Utilization


Course Contents

  • Environmental protection principles and measures.
  • Treatment of liquid and solid waste.
  • Recycling.
  • Design, construction and operation of liquid waste and aerosol purification systems.
  • Techno-economic study.
  • Drinking water purification.
  • Control parameters.
  • Visits to relevant industrial facilities as part of the annual five-day educational excursion.

Educational Goals

After the end of the course, the students understand the operational structure of a modern waste treatment unit so that their participation in its design is second to none.

General Skills

  • Searching, analyzing and synthesizing data and information, using the necessary technologies, Adapting to new situations.
  • Making decisions.
  • Teamwork,.
  • Generating new research ideas.

Teaching Methods

  • In the classroom, face to face.

Use of ICT means

  • Basic software (windows, word, power point, the web, etc.).

Teaching Organization

ActivitySemester workload
Essay writing60

Students Evaluation

For the lab course:

  • Final written exam (70%) and average of laboratory reports (30%).

For the theoretical course:

  • Written final exam.

Recommended Bibliography

  1. Βλυσσίδης Α. (2014) Βιομηχανική ρύπανση, εκδόσεις Σιδερής.
  2. Γεωργίου και Αιβαζίδης (2006) Πρόληψη ρύπανσης και ελαχιστοποίηση αποβλήτων στη βιομηχανία, Εκδ. Τζιόλα.
  3. Tchobanoglous et al. (2006) Μηχανική Υγρών Αποβλήτων: Επεξεργασία και Επαναχρησιμοποίηση, Τόμος Α, Β, Εκδ. Τζιόλα, Θεσσαλονίκη.
  4. Λυμπεράτος Γ., Βαγενάς Δ. (2012) Διαχείριση Υγρών Αποβλήτων, Εκδ. Τζιόλα, Θεσσαλονίκη.
  5. B.E. Rittmann, P.L. McCarty “Environmental Biotechnology”, McGraw-Hill 2001.
  6. R.L.Droste “Theory and Practice of Water and Wastewater Treatment”, Wiley 1997.
  7. Lin C.S.K.L., Kaur G., Li C., Yang X., Stevens C.V. Waste Valorisation: Waste Streams in a Circular Economy, Wiley 2020.
  8. Selvasembian R., Wan Azelee N.I.B., Saravanan RS, Ponnusami V., Mishra A. Valorization of Wastes for Sustainable Development, Elsevier, 2023.