Certification of Agricultural Products and Wine


  • Code: TABO-98-Θ8
  • Semester:
  • Study Level: Undergraduate
  • Course type:
  • Teaching and exams language: Greek (English for Erasmus students)
  • The course is offered to Erasmus students
  • Teaching Methods (Hours/Week): Lectures (3)
  • ECTS Units: 4
  • Class Schedule:

Course Contents

The course includes the basic principles and concepts of certification systems applied to the processing of agricultural products and the production of wine.
Analysis of the 7 principles of the HACCP plan and the prerequisite programs that document the safety and hygiene of the products produced. Identifying the risks (risk analysis) and investigating the points that eliminate the risk (critical control points). Analysis and design of a flowchart, verification and monitoring of CCPs.

Study of the internationally recognized Standards applied to the processing of agricultural products and to the production of wine:

  • Food Safety Management System.
  • Environmental and Energy Management System.
  • Employee Health and Safety System.

Educational Goals

Τhe course aims to introduce students to the basic concepts of the quality of agricultural products and the parameters that affect it. Furthermore they will immerse themselves in international, community and national quality marks, learning the introductions concepts and terminologies of quality systems as well as the corresponding procedures certification, so that the student gains an overall understanding of quality processes and certification of agricultural products.
Also the students will be taught the current institutional framework, the existing procedures and actions required to secure intellectual and industrial property rights (patents-patents).
Finally, the aim of the course is the students’ understanding of its importance certification of agricultural products in the modern market as well as its evolution.

General Skills

  • Ability to design simple experiments.
  • Independent and / or group work.
  •  Promotion of free, creative and inductive thinking.

Teaching Methods

  • In the classroom, face to face.

Use of ICT means

  • Basic software (windows, word, power point, the web, etc.).
  • Support of learning process through the electronic platform / e-class.

Teaching Organization

ActivitySemester workload

Students Evaluation

Written final exam (50%) including:

  • Multiple choice questions.
  • Critical analysis questions on molecular ecology and adaptation.
  • Comparative evaluation of theory elements.

Essay (50%).

Recommended Bibliography

  1. Ε. Σταμπουλόγλου, Κ. Καράντζαλος, Α. Γεωργόπουλος (2005). Συστήματα Διαχείρισης Ποιότητας (Πρότυπα-Τυποποίηση-Πιστοποίηση). Σημειώσεις, Εθνικό Μετσόβειο Πολυτεχνείο.
  2. Ανδρίτσος Ν. (2021). Ασφάλεια και Ποιότητα Τροφίμων.
  3. Ευμορφόπουλος Ε. (2020). HACCP – Η Ποιοτική Προσέγγιση.
  4. Αμβροσιάδης Ι. (2005) Εφαρμογή και Έλεγχος του Συστήματος  HACCP.
  5. Τσακνής Ι (2018) Ποιότητα και Ασφάλεια Τροφίμων και Ποτών.
  6. Giacomarra, M., Galati, A., Crescimanno, M., Tinervia, S. (2016). “The integration of quality and safety concerns in the wine industry: the role of third-party voluntary certifications”. Journal of Cleaner Production Volume 112, Part 1, 20 January 2016, Pages 267-274.
  7. José Lopez-Rodríguez , Domingo Calvo Dopico  , Angel María Del Castillo Puente. (2018). Export performance in Spanish wineries: the role of human capital and quality management system. European Journal of International Management ISSN: 1751-6757, 2018.
  8. Sharon L. Forbes, Tracy‐Anne De Silva (2012). Analysis of environmental management systems in New Zealand wineries. International Journal of Wine Business Research, ISSN: 1751-1062, 2012.
  9. Aggelogiannopoulos, D., Drosinos, E. H., Athanasopoulos, P. (2007). Implementation of a quality management system (QMS) according to the ISO 9000 family in a Greek small-sized winery: A case study. Food Control. Volume 18, Issue 9, September 2007, Pages 1077-1085.
  10. Papadopoulos, S, Markopoulos, T. (2015). Factors Affecting the Implementation of Integrated Agriculture in Greece. ELSEVIER Procedia Economics and Finance 33 (2015) 269 – 276.